Episode 022: Zach Rausch


Nearly 40% of teenage girls in the UK who spend over 5 hours on social media per day score as clinically depressed.

Anxiety diagnoses among 18–25-year-olds have increased by 92%.

Self-harm and suicide rates continue to increase around the world, beginning to spike in line with the rise of phone-based childhoods, as opposed to play-based childhoods.

And we need to do something about it.

First, it means recognising why this might be - and this conversation, and many others like it, couldn't be more important.

Zach Rausch is an Associate Research Scientist at NYU Stern School of Business in the Business and Society Program.

He is the Chief Researcher for Jonathan Haidt and the #1 New York Times Bestseller "The Anxious Generation: How The Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness".

In this episode we speak about why The Anxious Generation needed to be written - and how we, as a society, can turn this around.

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Episode 023: Zak O’Sullivan


Episode 021: Wynne Evans